Dear SIA Community
This week at SIA has been another amazing week as we grow our provision, celebrate our learner successes and take pride about living in a forward thinking country such as the UAE. We celebrated flag day, had our gifted and talented learners completing exams for the Olympiads and learners in Year 6 taking part in the Chevron Readers Cup. We also saw our learners take part in netball fixtures away in RAK, our learners in Years 5 and 6 playing football matches against Capital school and a swimming gala taking place. We have had daily activities for Dubai 30×30 fitness month including Irish Dancing, Football and Netball. So many activities in one week from our amazing staff and learners.
In secondary our learners have been very busy with their studies. Last Thursday we had a Science Revision Day for Year 11 IGCSE students which was a huge success, and many learners were excited to have a full day in the labs, learning the course and carrying out some practical experiments. Our learner leaders have been busy helping to orchestrate the many events we have going on in Secondary too.
This week we also celebrated ‘Autumn Day’ with our Teacher Flash Mob click here and spent time considering our health and wellbeing through the Dubai 30×30 Month with our many sporting assemblies every day. The way the learners spoke about Autumn and what it meant to them was fantastic. So many learners also brought in food donations for our hard-working assistant teachers, cleaners and bus drivers, without these people in our school we would not be able to be a school, thank you to all who contributed.
Next week I know our learner leaders are visiting classes during form time to discuss the benefits of mindfulness and start promoting mindfulness activities. We will soon be inviting our parents into school as part of our ‘Scholars Speaks’ about mindfulness and our approach with growing this across the community and how you can support at home. Watch this space!
Have a lovely weekend
#bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal #celebratingdiversity
James Batts