Dear SIA Community,
This week was indeed another busy week and further opportunities to celebrate. I am certainly proud of us all this week for the wonderful concerts and two really positive days with the Assistant Director of HPL. I am very pleased to say that HPL is evident and embedded across SIA and we are certainly on track for our accreditation visit in May.
It is always a highlight when we get to see our learners practice and perform their sing- along. These enrichment opportunities are wonderful and provide the type of learning experiences that support growing life skills. All learners have learnt songs, dances, and lines, and we have watched their confidence grow over the week. There was buzz of excitement when the whole of the primary had the chance to perform on stage in front of their parents.
In Secondary more opportunities were provided to help further the experiences of our learners across the phase. We had our final collapsed study day for our IGCSE Science learners as they prepare for their upcoming exams in May. We also had our PE learners compiling their coursework evidence for their assessments in June which involved an array of sports such as Shotput, Cross Country and Athletics. The Hardworking attitudes of these learners was showcased through their Resilience, Perseverance and their consistent Practice in order for them to perform at their highest level in these sports. They are a shining example of our HPL philosophy. Well done to all involved!
As mentioned last week it is our vision to celebrate the ‘I’ in kind weekly at SIA. Please see the link below
Have a wonderful weekend.
#bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal
Take care
James Batts