Dear SIA Community
This week has been about Sport at SIA, as we had our Primary & Secondary Sports Days on Wednesday & Thursday which was a fantastic opportunity for our learners to get out of the classroom and showcase their talents in the world of sport. There was something for everyone and it was an amazing day put together by our PE Department that was really enjoyable for all. Well done to all those who got involved and to our amazing PE department for organising two truly wonderful days. Our learners and staff will need a rest over the weekend after all the activities at Sports Day!
In FS the learners made rain hats for teddy bears using lots of different materials and had to predict which ones would be water proof and the put it to the test. It was just so wonderful seeing them working collaboratively and having so much fun in the process. In Primary we had Science week and it was amazing to see our learners making rockets using balloons and looking at how force can move objects. In lower primary they were also looking at how people age over time and the different stages of life which also supports our learners understanding why we are different linking to our VAA’s. What really stood out for me is just how much language development has happened over this year and the impact of these type of focused activities and our Read Write Ink programme. We also got the opportunity to celebrate reading – 6A won the competition and were rewarded with being able to have some free time to play and chat and have some food in the PE Hall on Thursday afternoon.
This week our secondary learners have been celebrating International Women’s Day on Wednesday where we celebrated the amazing achievements of all of the wonderful women in our lives, both at home and in school. This was a lovely day where we got to showcase the amazing achievements of all of our superwomen!
At SIA we learn about being Empathetic which is one of our HPL VAA’s. Within the heading of being empathetic is a set of three VAA’s that look at the way in which we approach working alone and with others to achieve stronger outcomes. These are collaboration, Concern for society and being confident. Something we are proud of at SIA is our growing positive culture which was recognised by the inspection teams when they visited us. The ability to know the contribution you make to a society is important as this supports citizenship, making a difference, creating a sense of community and recognising that we are all different and that is ok. You may have seen that on the wall next to the FS doors we have a sticker that K()ND which essentially asks us the question ‘how have you been the I in kind?’. Each week we ask this of ourselves and celebrate this by making a little video and through our celebration assembly’s. It is my aim to celebrate this through the newsletter weekly so please do see the link below.
Have a wonderful weekend.
#bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal
Take care
James Batts