Dear SIA Community,
Ramadan Mubarak. I received a lovely Ramadan message from a colleague at SPEA which I wish to share. “On this festive occasion, I wish peace transcends the Earth, I wish your life is brightened with positively and harmony. Happy Ramadan to you all’. At the school, we held a special Ramadan assembly to help our learners appreciate the holy month and its significance. We believe that it is important to instill a strong sense of community and respect for different viewpoints in our learners, and we hope that this assembly helped to reinforce those values.
I really enjoyed seeing how many mums, sisters, aunts and grandmothers came into school on Tuesday to celebrate ‘Mother Figure Day’. At SIA, we celebrated all the important women in the learner’s lives. We did this by holding special assemblies where learners talked about why these women are important, we made special cards and had visitors into the classes to talk about their favourite women in their life. Learners were confident to talk about why people are important in their life and showed empathy to other speakers who talked about different mother figure in their life. FS2 and Year 4 learners performed a special song at our assemblies about all the important women in their lives which were just brilliant and I was so proud of the learners commitment to learning the words and actions. Overall the day was a touching tribute to mothers and women everywhere and demonstrated a deep appreciation for the sacrifices and hard work that mothers do.
Our staff had a fantastic opportunity to learn about Chat GPT with a talk from our learner Ehab, who demonstrated how it can be effectively used in teaching practice. Ehab’s presentation was well received by all staff and showcased his dedication to his studies and his commitment to sharing knowledge beyond his peers. I am certainly super proud of Ehab and look forward to seeing what impact Chat GPT may have on supporting learner outcomes.
On the sports front, we have held all awards ceremonies for sports day for Year 3 and also Years 7, 8, 9, and 10, and they were nothing short of amazing. The learners excelled in their performances and showed exceptional team spirit, determination, and sportsmanship. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to continuing to support them in their sports journey in term 3. Finally, we celebrated Head of Secondary Awards on Thursday’s assembly to showcase the achievement points for our strongest learners across secondary. It was an amazing way to end the term and provide recognition for their hard work and dedication.
Overall, it has been an incredible term and I thank all the community for the continued support and appreciation. I know we all look forward to continuing the momentum next term.
Have a wonderful weekend.
#bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal
Take care
James Batts