Scholars International Academy



School Policies

Important School Policies

You can link to material school policies here

Learner Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Attendance and punctuality is a foundation for academic achievement and underpins learner learning and development.

7:30am to 1:00pm – Foundation 1 & 2 (Monday to Thursday)
7:30am to 3:45pm – Years 1 to 6 (Monday to Thursday)
7:30am to 3:45pm – Years 7 to 13 (Monday to Wednesday)
7:30am to 4:30pm – Years 7 to 13 (Thursday)

All learners are required to arrive on time and remain for the full day. Absences must be approved and are recorded by school administration. The maximum number of allowed absent days for a student is 7 days.

Parents are expected to support this attendance policy and notify the school promptly when a learner will be absent. Classroom teachers will review the policy with parents and learners at the beginning of the school year.

*If a learner is absent for no reason or unacceptable reason for 25 consecutive days, the learner’s name shall be deleted from the school register.

Restorative Behaviour Policy

Pastoral Team
Daisy Hutton, Tanita McCarthy, Sahira Ashraf

Mission/Policy Statement
Our aim at Scholars International Academy is to create an eco-system of learning that provides our learners with a safe and nurturing environment in order to reach their full potential. A learner should be given every opportunity that we can provide to ensure that every day is a day in which they can expand their learning and reach new levels in their education. To do this, teachers and students must work together to create welcoming and inclusive classrooms, ensuring a pleasant working environment for all.

This policy will outline how we can create our successful eco-system of learning in line with our High-Performance Learning guidelines. We will outline how restorative practice will be used in order to deal with any disruptive behaviour. The aim is to do this through open communication and positive reinforcement of improved behaviour. This policy will be a move away from sanctions and these will only be used as a last resort. Through this we hope to make learners aware of the impact of their actions on the school community and allow them to make a morally correct decision to improve on their behaviour because they want to instead of being punished until they adjust their attitudes. Through this we remove the negative aspect of punitive reactions and instead we move to the positive aspect of restorative behaviour where relationships, respect, responsibility, repair and reintegration will make up the 5 pillars of our process. We will integrate this into our HPL system by instilling our expected Values, Attitudes and Attributes into the policy.

The primary purpose of this policy is to build a culture that will prevent disruptive behaviour within the school. By providing learners and staff the tools they need to build strong working relationships and always have open and honest communication. Nurturing a Professional Learning Community in SIA will give us the base for our restorative practice to take place. By showing learners that teachers are on the same level as them and that everyone is working towards the same goal of helping the learners to achieve their full potential.

For the detailed version of the policy please click HERE.

School Wellness

Scholars International Academy was recognized by Jamal.M.Al Fuqha, Private Schools Coordinator/School Health Section/PHC from Ministry of Health for their outstanding medical services at School. SIA received commendable appreciation for the levels of Medical Services and the maintenance of School Clinic. From outstanding nursing services to implementing new changes, SIA has truly shown dedication and hardwork. Jamal’s words; “All School health team members appreciate the way you have been trained to deliver such satisfying levels of Medical Services & Nursing care for learners. I have recommended your School’s Clinic to be one the best, excellent model to others as well.”

SIA has showed consistency and diligence in getting recognized by the Ministry of Health as Jamal Says; “We are proud to have employees like you as a part of our School Health Team”

School Wellness is an integral part of an educational system. At SIA, we give great importance to ensuring safety and good health for learners by providing excellent medical and clinic services.

Congratulations SIA for a job well done in assuring that the medical services and clinic facilities at SIA surpassed the expectations of the School Health team of Ministry of Health. A big thank you to the entire Clinic and Medical staff for their hard work and outstanding dedication.

Formal Physical Activity

SIA recognizes the positive benefits of physical activity for student health and academic achievement through physical education classes and activity breaks during the school day.

All learners are required to participate in a minimum of two formal PE classes per week. Physical education programs are sequential, building from year to year, and content includes motor skills, concepts and strategies as well as, physical fitness. They are designed to meet the needs of all learners, including those who are not athletically gifted, and actively teach cooperation, fair play, and responsible participation. The program includes a variety of activities, including team and individual sports as well as physical activities, such as rhythm and dance.

Health and Nutrition Education

Health and Nutrition subjects are part of the taught curriculum and designed to support the learners in developing healthy attitudes and behaviour.

The Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee is a working group at SIA instrumental in drafting and facilitating the wellness policy. The Principal, Vice Principal, Administrator, School Nurse, PSHE Coordinator, Heads of Houses, the Counselor and three teachers from foundation, primary and secondary are part of the Wellness committee.

The committee meets at the end of every term to review the progress of the school in meeting the Wellness Policy goals and to take any necessary action as required. Our school canteen supports the wellness directives of the school with healthy options for snacks and lunch.

Learner Safety

Scholars International Academy takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the learners in its care.

Parents have the responsibility to keep sick children home from school during periods of illness. Vaccination requirements by the government must be strictly adhered to. The school nurse can provide you with information on vaccinations. All sickness, illness, injury or medical conditions shall be treated without delay.

No physical violence of any kind will be tolerated at the school, including physical violence from caregivers, visitors, staff parents or fellow learners. Emotional safety is also recognized as a critical factor in child safety and well being. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at SIA and will not be tolerated.

Home Learning

At home learning is an essential element supporting the development of independent learning skills, inquiry and investigation, extending and reinforcing work done in the classroom.

Home Learning Guidelines 
  • Home learning responsibilities are defined and communicated to learners and parents by classroom teachers
  • Home learning assignments primarily focus on literacy and numeracy in younger year groups.
  • Learners are expected to complete all home learning assignments.
  • Learners receive prompt, clear feedback on their work from teachers.
  • Teachers communicate with parents of learners who fall behind in completing home learning assignments.
Home Learning Purpose:
  • To develop an effective partnership between the teachers and parents to achieve the learning objectives for each learner.
  • To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and numeracy in younger year groups.
  • To serve as a vehicle to assess learners’ understanding of classroom learning.
  • To develop learners’ independent learning and inquiry outside of school, build confidence, responsibility and self-discipline needed to study on their own.
  • To offer opportunities to develop key skills for information retrieval, planning, analysis and time management in higher year groups.
Home Learning Good Practices:

Learners are expected to work independently. Parents in Foundation Stages and Year 1 should support their learners by monitoring home learning assignments.

Reading is one of the most fundamental and powerful at home practices for learning. Please read to your child and encourage your child read to you at home, especially if you are a parent of a child in Foundation Stages or Year 1.

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