Scholars International Academy

sia-newsletter-oct 7

SIA Newsletter October 7, 2023

SIA School Principal - James Batts

Dear SIA Community,

I hope this letter finds you all in great spirits, good health and looking forward to your weekend. I wanted to take a moment to share with you what an incredible week it has been here at SIA this week. It’s been filled with exciting opportunities to celebrate learning, connect with our wonderful parents, and recognise the remarkable achievements of our school community.

This week has been a true testament to the vibrant and nurturing environment that SIA provides for our learners. The weekly “I in kind,” was as always a real privilege as our learners demonstrated kindness, empathy, and compassion toward one another. This week, I had Mr. Andy, our Assistant Head in Secondary, join me, and we both reflected on how heartwarming it was to witness the genuine care and support our learners have for their peers. Please click here to watch the video.

The EYFS Phonics parent workshop, hosted by Ms. Heather, was not only well attended but I was impressed with the level of interaction and learning that occurred. It was a fantastic opportunity for our parents to actively engage in their child’s education and gain valuable insights into our phonics curriculum. We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for your child’s success, and events like this reinforce that partnership.

This week in EYFS it was great to see our learners so excited about our HPL assemblies that take place every week. We have a ‘Scholars Shining Star’ from each class who has shown a VAA or ACP toward their peers. What was truly amazing was hearing the learners explain why they are the shining star and using words such as ‘Empathy’ and ‘Hard Working’. Our learners are so proud of each other for being their class ‘Shining Star’.

We celebrated World Teachers Day, a day dedicated to expressing our thanks to our teachers who make a significant difference in our learners’ lives every day. Our teachers work tirelessly to inspire, guide, and develop our HPL learning ‘ecosystem’ for our learners, and I, for one, am very grateful because making a difference is what drives me as an educator. Thank you to our lovely teachers for their unwavering commitment to our SIA community.

We also had a little role reversal to celebrate Teacher’s Day, where our Learner Leadership and Sixth Form Learners taught some classes for our teachers to give them a well-deserved break! It was great to see our learners take on these responsibilities and they even dressed up as particular teachers for the occasion! This was another learner-led initiative that saw our community come together to celebrate one another on a very special day. Huge thanks as always to Ms. Fareeha and Mr. Andy for supporting the learners with their plans! Please click here to watch the video.

Last but certainly not least, our Primary Book Look was a resounding success. It was heartening to see parents and learners exploring the learning world together, and fostering a love for reading that I hope will last a lifetime. Ms. Tanita and I were discussing how our learners build fluency which is so important to help with all their skills across the curriculum. It also helps expand their imagination and vocabulary skills. Myself and Mr. Danny witnessed some fantastic decoding skills and blending using their phonics. Keep reading and watch those reading skills soar!

I personally had the privilege of meeting and interacting with many parents this week, and the positive feedback and comments about SIA’s development and progress were both uplifting and motivating. Your support and involvement in your child’s education are invaluable, and it reinforces our shared commitment to providing the best possible learning experience for our learners.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to the entire SIA community – learners, parents, teachers, and those staff members that support behind the scenes – for making this week a truly remarkable one. It’s moments like these that remind us of the extraordinary potential that exists within our SIA community, and I am excited to continue this journey of growth and HPL learning together.

#bethebestyoucanbe #worldteachersday #HPL #wearescholars #preppyprincipal #learningecosystem #loveforreading

Take care

Mr. James Batts