Dear SIA Community,
For those I haven’t seen, Eid Mubarak. We had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Eid during our Eid assembly on Wednesday morning with the whole school. We celebrated our learners, who were fantastic during the Holy Qur’an competition, where they received their medals and certificates.
Throughout the last two weeks what I have really enjoyed around the school is witnessing acts of kindness, support, enjoyment and the determination of those learners taking exams. Let us have a look at who put the ‘I’ in kind over the last couple of weeks.
The lower Primary team were also sharing my sentiments and saying this week how they have enjoyed seeing how happy, excited, and keen all of our learners were when coming into school. They have been so busy learning all about our VAA of ‘hard working’ and how we can show it in lots of different ways. Our learners have been learning lots of new sounds in phonics, putting these sounds into words and sentences. They have also been excited to learn about volume and capacity using the water. All of our learners have been showing their HPL skills of collaboration and Empathy by working together with each other and listening to their peers’ ideas and suggestions at all times. Learners are so excited to share their learning and talk about what they have learnt.
It has certainly been a busy second week back at school with many lessons being more learner-led, especially in upper primary and secondary. Walking into classes and seeing the learners being able to increasingly take ownership of their own learning, ask questions, and articulate their learning using the HPL ACPs, and VAAs has been wonderful. Two classes from Year 5 were selected to participate in the TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study), where learners in Year 5, from many different countries around the world, took part in this study. The learners were resilient and persevered in completing the study this week. I am super proud of them all!
Our learners in Years 11, 12 and 13 have started their external exams this week, and they are all happy to get started to showcase all the hard work they have done throughout their courses. This is a very important time for our learners, and we wish them all the best of luck! Your teachers, your parents and your peers are all very proud of all the hard work you have put in over the years and we hope you get the results you deserve.
Our EISSA girls’ basketball fixtures will commence next week for our female learners under the ages of 14 and 16. We know they are all excited to represent SIA and show the other schools what we are made of!
Finally, we will be having another Scholars Speaks showcase coming up before the end of the month, where parents and learners will have an opportunity to learn more about Entrepreneurship and Financial Management with Mr. Ziad who is a representative from Leap Financial Services, and who aims to teach children some beneficial money habits.
#bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal
Take care
James Batts