Dear SIA Community
Happy World Smile Day ‘What makes me smile is seeing all my happy learners enjoying being at SIA and bringing the VAA’s to life in a classroom’ .
CLICK HERE for some smiles.
I have to say what made me smile on Thursday was walking around Years 1 and 2 and being met with such enthusiasm. The learners were all engaged in our phonics programme, Read Write Ink, and I have to say all the learners were not only engaged but the classrooms and corridors were just alive with learning and fun. I know we had a good number of the community come to Ms Heather’s workshop on Thursday where you discussed what RWI is and how to support further at home. This is a really important step and it helps your children access their learning but also quite good fun to practise at home. I know I enjoy practising phonics with my little girl.
I would like to thank all our community for the recognition of our teachers’ efforts and dedication on ‘World Teachers Day’. I am proud of the SIA teachers as well as all my staffing team who go the extra mile to support the school and ultimately learner outcomes. I have such a dedicated team who are really aspiring to ‘be the best they can be’ and ‘walk the talk’ in terms of the HPL ACP’s and VAA’s. At SIA we are Empathic, Hardworking and show Agility. Please CLICK HERE to watch our video.
In Secondary this week our learners started with their half term assessments. The learners have been showcasing the school VAA’s through their Hardwork and Collaboration in preparation for these assessments. We also saw our house captains take their positions and become the newest members of our learner leadership team which demonstrates further how we develop the democracy which is aligned with ‘British Values’ as a BSO school . Some of these young people have shown they are real risk takers by taking on the responsibility of leadership and have possibly taken their first steps to becoming our future head boy or head girl. I am really excited to see what they have planned for our houses this year and see how they move them forward as the school continues to get better and better.
Have a great week
#Keepsmiling #bethebestyoucanbe #proudprincipal
Take care
Enjoy your weekend
James Batts